Sunday, May 6, 2007

Dr. Forman Mills

Okay, now this douche bag named Matt in my class is gonna do this podcast called Dr.Forman Mills. It's about a white preacher acting like a black preacher. Now one of the extremely racist things he has said is that kool-aid makes black people turn crazy & commit. What a racist cracker! And Forman Mills isn't even black, infact he's one of the whitest guys I have ever seen.
And the picture for his site, has him in a Scar-face like back-ground.WTFuck man! What does scar-face have to do with a white guy who thinks he is a black preacher. White guy who think's he's black, yeah that's not a fricken rip-off of Chapelle's show! And for the love-------------of------------------Satan, drinking kool-aid does not make you crazy, & not only black-people drink it. I drink it all the time, & I have never committed a crime in my life. I have however taken the heat while it was obviously some other A-hole's fault at school,but that's completely different. Just about all the black people in my class hate him(thank god) yet all the white honky-trons think he's fuckin hilarious. He's that guy who wont stop saying Borat quotes for fucks sake! Shut the hell up, the movie was months ago! So in closure, dont be racist crackers, or I kill you. And coming from me, the palest mo-fo you'll ever meet that is saying something.
WIggy to the Shwiggy my pattiggies.

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